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 Business Xcelerator Events

Gain Strategies, Tools and Systems to Attract and Convert More Clients

If you are ready to Xcelerate your business this event is for you. This is your chance to take your business to the next level.

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Get Your Exclusive Bonus Gift When You Attend A Dan Plowman Coaching Event.

Receive A Free Copy Of Our Proven Buyer Scripting Language And Common Objection Handles 

You will work directly with Dan Plowman in this innovative and strategic workshop. Dan will walk you through the exact steps to generate more leads and show you how to convert more leads to grow your business.


If you are committed to growing your business or even if you just want to know how to sell one more home, we will show you how.

We will show you how to:


  • Generate an abundance of leads

  • Convert more leads to get you more clients

  • Get more buyer agreements signed

  • Get more referrals

  • Renew your belief and enthusiasm for your business


You will learn to overcome the 3 biggest obstacles facing real estate agents:

  1. Not having a plan to build a business and getting stuck chasing every deal

  2. Running from deal to deal with no system to create work life harmony

  3. Out of control expenses, spending over 50% of revenues to attract new clients


You will be equipped with proven systems and strategies to grow your real estate business.


Key Topics Covered:


  • Proven Sales Strategies

  • Innovative Lead Generating Strategies

  • The Best Lead Conversion Tactics in the Industry

  • Powerful Mindset for Continuous Growth


Our promise is simple. To share the systems, tools and knowledge that we use in our real estate business that have a proven track record to accelerate real estate agents to a higher level of success.

Melissa C.

Team Leader and Broker

It's been an incredible afternoon - there's so much energy in the room. We're learning a lot about ourselves and how to adapt to our buyers and sellers. It's been really informative - I highly recommend it!

Kathy T.

Sales Representative

I loved today because it solidified everything I'm learning in coaching and it made me more passionate to keep learning. It was awesome!

Susan R.

Sales Representative

I very much enjoyed today because I was able to apply what I've learned so far with coaching scripts and how I can adapt to other personalities based on what I know.

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